Mohd. Bin Qasim, Mahmud Gajanavi, Mohd. Ghori | Muslim Invasion in india

Mohd. Bin Qasim (712 A.D.)

💠 In 712 A.D. the muslim under Mohd. Bin Qasim invaded Sindh and conquered it. This was the first muslim attack on India.

💠At that time the king of Sindh was Dahir.

💠Khalifa of Arab was Al Hajjaj ll who sent Qasim to punish the sea robbers of Debal (Modern Karachi) because they plundered ships of valuable presents sent by the king of Shri Lanka.

💠Old name of Shri Lanka- Singhal or Ceylon

💠First time Zazia tax was imposed by Mohd. Bin Qasim in Sindh Area.

Mahmud Gajanavi or Mahmud of Ghazni (998- 1030 A.D.)

💠Dynasty- Yamini

💠Invaded and plundered India 17 times.

💠First ruler to carry the title of Sultan.

Attacks of Mahmud Ghajnavi

🔹1001 A.D. Punjab Hindushahi- Jaipal
Jaipal was the king of Hindushahi Kingdom. Mahmud had already fought against him, when Subuktagin was the king of Ghazni. When Mahmud became the king, he decided to attack on Hindushahi Kingdom
In 1001, Mahmud attacked and Jaipal was defeated and captured.
Mahmud looted all his wealth. He received 250,000   Dinars to free Jaipal. About 5,00,000 Indians were taken to Ghazni as slaves. Though Jaipal was freed, but he refused to survive his disgrace. He cast himself upon a funeral pyre and died.

🔹1008 A.D. Hindushashi- Anandpal

Anandpal was the son of Jaipal, and now became the king of Hindushahi Kingdom.
In 1008, Mahmud attacked on Anandpal. Anandpal called other Hindu kings to help him.

🔹1009: Invasion of Nagarkot [Kangra]

Nagarkot was very famous for its wealth kept in its temples. So, Mahmud decided to invade Nagarkot. Like a swarm of locusts, his army destroyed everything in its path.
Mahmud got so much jewelry, gold and silver.

🔹1014: Thanesar

Mahmud came to know of the riches of Thanesar’s temples. In 1014, he invaded Thanesar.

🔹1015: Kashmir Valley

🔹1018 : Mathura and Kannauj

When Mahmud invaded Mathura, he was amazed to see so many huge and beautiful Hindu temples.Then, he attacked  Kannauj in January of 1019. The King of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar did not dare to stop him and ran away. The invaders looted the sacred temples. Many innocent people were killed. The king of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar accepted the superiority of Mahmud Ghaznavi and then Mahmud turned back for Ghazni.

🔹1021: Kalinjar
Rajpal Pratihar, the king of Kannauj.

🔹1023: Lahore

🔹1925: Somnath, 16th Invasion
The most famous and terrible invasion launched by Mahmud was his sixteenth, against the Somnath Temple in Gujarat, western India.The Somnath temple was very famous for its treasures.
Mahmud ordered his men to destroy the sacred idol, Linga. He looted the treasures of the temple. It is said that he got wealth worth 20-million Dinars, eighty times the already huge sum he had gained on his first invasion.

🔹1026: The 17th and Last Invasion
After looting the Somnath temple, when Mahmud was going back to Ghazni, the Jats had attacked his army. So, to punish the Jats, he returned and defeated them in 1026.

💠Al Beruni- His original name was Abu Rehan Muhammad. He wrote Tahqiq-I-Hind or Kitab-ul-Hind in Arabic language.

💠Death- On April 30, 1030, Mahmud died in Ghazni, at the age of 59 years. He had contracted malaria during his last invasion. This turned to tuberculosis.

Mohd. Ghori

💠 Original Name- Shahabuddin Mohd. Bin Saam
💠From Ghor, Afganistan
💠Dynasty- Sansvani
💠In 1175 A.D. he attacked on Multan.
💠Battle of Gujarat 1178 A.D.-
That time king of Gujarat was Bhim Dev ll . Ghori was defeated in Kaydara field and never turned to Gujarat later on.
💠First Battle of Tarain 1191 A.D.-
In Between Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan lll (Rai Pithaura) and again Ghori was defeated.
💠Second Battle of Tarain 1192 A.D.-
In Between Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan lll and this time Ghori won the battle.
💠Battle of Chandawar 1194 A.D.-
In Between Ghori and Jai Chandra. Jai chandra was died.
💠Death- 1206 A.D.